Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Trio of New Year's Ideas

Happy New Year All,

My inbox is full of End-of-the-Year Round-up and lists of amazing ways to integrate technology in the classroom in 2013.

I thought I'd share a trio of my favs:

The Daring Librarian Super Geeky Tips for the New Year

The Daring Librarian reminds us it's time for some tech housekeeping: update passwords, clean up and save files, edit privacy settings and back up data to name a few.  Excellent advice!

I know how many of you are addicted to Pinterest... Edudemic provides a great list of boards to explore for ed tech ideas.  

Edutopia lists Collaborative Learning, Social Media, Open Education Resources, and the Common Core among the Big Education Ideas of 2013.  Interested in learning more?  Take a few minutes to explore this comprehensive list of blogs, videos and articles.  

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to post to this blog more often, and better share the resources available to us... please let me know what you are most interested in!  


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