Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Welcome Back to School!

A Few Notes for HTS Tools 101

Following is the outline Chris Clark will be working from on Tuesday afternoon.  We'll add more how-to notes if needed later in the week.

Overview of HTS website - www.htsdc.org
  • frequently used links
  • calendars
  • student directory (has not been updated for 2012-2013 school year yet though)
  • faculty page --> password:  stignatius
  • schedules, class lists, how-to's, forms, etc. etc. can be found here, but is a little under construction at the moment
Network Drives
  • H drive for personal stuff (only you and a few admins have access)
  • N drive for NetDocs (all faculty/staff has access)
  • shared documents
  • report cards
  • T drive for SAT files (all faculty/staff has access)
  • documents regarding students with special needs
  • generally NOT a good idea to share things on the C drive or "My Documents" folder

    • webmail version
    • sync with Microsoft office (requires an admin to set up for you)
    • add to iOS (iPhone/iPad) or Android or home email program (Mail) like a regular Gmail account (willing to help if needed) 
    • you may email a group of people:

    Cornerstone - our online database/ online gradebook (used by upper school only)

    • entering grades
    • household viewable setting --> YES for everybody now, may change to NO for Lower School pending administrative approva
    • printing class lists
    Wordpress - for teacher webpages
    • where students can find your page
    • updating current page
      • changing color of text
      • making a link to a webpage
      • uploading & making a link to a file
    • weekly task of archiving****
      • saving current week to new draft
      • renaming the newly created copy
      • going back to the current week's page and editing that page (should be page with just your name in the web address)
      • linking newly created last week's page to HW archive page

    SMART Notebook - 
    • not too much detail here because of other workshops
    • posting PDFs of SMART Notebook files to website

    Google Calendar
    • adding a test date, long-term project due date, special event
    • can add more special events to "Grade Level Public Events" or "HTS Main" and it will automatically display on the HTS homepage
    • excellent way to communicate to students, parents, colleagues, and principal

    Use the technology!
    • it's transparent (website, Cornerstone, Google calendar) - for your students and their parents
      • more questions, confusion, and misunderstandings if you are not transparent
      • less questions, confusion, and misunderstandings if you are transparent
    • allows students and parents to know how well they are doing (Cornerstone)
    • eliminates many (but not all) student errors of doing the wrong page, wrong problems, etc. (website)
    • allows students to review material on their own time if needed (SMART Notebook, website)
    • keeps a record in case you ever needed to look back (website, Cornerstone)
    • communicates much easier than email
      • more questions, confusion, and misunderstandings if you are not transparent
      • less questions, confusion, and misunderstandings if you are transparent
    technology blog maintained by Mary Beth Morell (http://htstechnologyblog.blogspot.com)
    subscribe to get weekly updates

    technology wiki maintained by Polly Sileo 

    happy to install software you may wish to use…please just ask
    generally only users with administrator privileges can install new software on computers
    Christopher Clark
    Charlie Hennessy
    Mary Beth Morell
    Polly Sileo

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