Friday, July 27, 2012

Integrating Technology ... with Prezi

Hi all, I've spent the day experimenting with a super cool web-based presentation tool called Prezi...  I created a presentation for the Integrating Technology workshops Polly and I have been hosting - some which have already taken place, and others scheduled for a few weeks from now.

If you have a few minutes to explore this Prezi, be sure to select the "full screen" option above the "more" tab.

You'll find a huge number of resources here to spark your imagination.  We hope that you'll be able to take a bit of time to explore a range of techie options for your classroom next year.  I was able to imbed videos for TedEd, the Google World Wonders Project, Google Earth and more... so please take some time to explore those possibilities.

Let me know if you have any questions at all - or have other resources to add... and hope you are enjoying your summer,


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