Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Synching your HTS Email Account with Your iPhone or Droid

Here's a truly useful technology tip.  I've long been frustrated that I couldn't access my school Email easily from my iPhone.  As it turns out, Tystan from Fed Solutions has worked out an easy fix for this.  His instructions follow:

"I’ve built a virtual directory into the Exchange system that will now allow any users with an active-sync enabled phone (such an iPhone or Droid) to receive their email wirelessly through the exchange server.  Active Sync was enabled on the server itself, but Exchange was not configured for the correct access type.

If you have a compatible device and would like to try setting this up, the server settings for the phone are: 

Username:         (just your windows username, ie. ckehoe)
Password:          (your regular mail password)
Domain:             (leave blank)
Server:               mail.holytrinitydc.org
SSL:                   Off

On an iPhone, it won’t ask you for the server setting the first time – it will ask for it after you try to verify the address without the server setting first."
I had no trouble setting it up for my iPhone, so if you encounter any trouble, contact me.  

Thanks Trystan!


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